
Showing posts from March, 2013

excerpts: Look forward

Author's excerpts on Look Forward Everyday I can't start the day without: My time with the LORD reading His word and laying down my concerns Writing in a blog what HE talked to me about in His word that day Reading and writing letters for my Bunny Love Watching  Pastor Paul's Daily News-Prophecy Related Updates  awaiting Yeshua's appearing to take us away from here to THE eternal Home Spending time with my little siblings Every Week: Spending Time with family at the Beach house Shabbat Fellowships whether at a Congregation or lunch with my Bunny Love's family Every Year: Family Vacations all over the world Coming home for a vacation and reunion with my Family every Christmas Learning something new through work or school

Satisfying me everytime

I am as satisfied as with rich food; my mouth praises you with joy on my lips when I remember you on my bed and meditate on you in the night watches.  For you have been my help; in the shadow of your wings I rejoice; my heart clings to you; your right hand supports me. - Psalm 63: 6-8 I'm so blessed today to be able to spend time with sisters and a brother in Yeshua whose love and passion for Him is increasing and unceasing. Tonight, I was tired to go out but the LORD has blessed me by enabling me to enjoy sweet fellowship with these brethren and be refreshed as we talked about His word, His promises and our experiences... Suddenly I felt an energy rise up within me, like the fire of GOD making me alive... It is not good for man to be alone most especially being alone in the walk of faith... and because HE knows all my needs, I am fed even though I didn't know I was starving. Now I am satisfied and my mouth can sing praises with joy on my heart =D As I lie in b...