July 3, 2015 Mcallen TX

Today, I am with my brother David in MacAllen Texas living with Ahya Duane and his family in his brother Mark's big house and it is such a beautiful home. I am able to sleep and rest and enjoy time on my own. GOD has brought up to me to pray and continually pray for His promises for me. For the past weeks being in Houston, GOD has reminded me the promise He gave me back January 2010. It was a promise very long ago that I thought was already dead. It was dead because it had to die and I never thought he would raise it back to life again. But He brought this promise back to life since last month. GOD has spoken to me first of all on May 2015 when we first came to Ate Dit's house. I spoke to her what had happened to me the last 5 years of my life when I was in London and how GOD had spoken to me that HE has chosen me to be the wife of Earl. Before I could even say his name, she already knew it and spoken his name. And I told her how that promise had led to tragic events ...