Sunday Tour

18 Tishrei 5778
October 18, 2017

Sukkot 4
Sunday Tour Group

Princess Diaries:
Dear Abba,
Today, I want thank You for bringing us safely back to the Airport to meet our tour group. But I felt already the dark side of being with the group even Alexis felt it. Abba, I trust You to protect us. I pray for Your grace Adonai to cover us in the entire trip.

Read: 1 Peter 2:13-25

1 Peter 2:13-25Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
13 For the sake of the Lord, submit yourselves to every human authority — whether to the emperor as being supreme, 14 or to governors as being sent by him to punish wrongdoers and praise those who do what is good. 15 For it is God’s will that your doing good should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. 

23 When he was insulted, he didn’t retaliate with insults; when he suffered, he didn’t threaten, but handed them over to him who judges justly. 24 He himself bore our sins[b] in his body on the stake,[c] so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness — by his wounds you were healed.

Bible in a Year: Isaiah 30–31;| Philippians 4
4 Rejoice in union with the Lord always! I will say it again: rejoice! 5 Let everyone see how reasonable and gentle you are. The Lord is near! 6 Don’t worry about anything; on the contrary, make your requests known to God by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving. 7 Then God’s shalom, passing all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with the Messiah Yeshua.

Isaiah 5:1-7
1 I want to sing a song for someone I love, a song about my loved one and his vineyard.
My loved one had a vineyard on a very fertile hill.

Psalm 80 The vineyard of the Lord is the house of Israel.
Philippians 4:6-9
8 In conclusion, brothers, focus your thoughts on what is true, noble, righteous, pure, lovable or admirable, on some virtue or on something praiseworthy. 9 Keep doing what you have learned and received from me, what you have heard and seen me doing; then the God who gives shalom will be with you.
Alleluia: John 15:16 I have chosen you from the world, says the Lord,to go and bear fruit that will remain.
Gospel: Matthew 21:33-43
The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; by the Lord has this been done, and it is wonderful in our eyes? Therefore, I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit."

CHABAD: Chumash
Parshat Vezot Hab'rachah, 1st Portion (Deuteronomy 33:1-33:7)
7May this [also be] for Judah." And he [Moses] said, "O Lord, hearken to Judah's voice and bring him to his people; may his hands do battle for him, and may You be a help against his adversaries."

Prayers of the Weeping Princess
Dear Father,

How much pain my mother has suffered in life, I can feel because she inflicts the same thing on the people around her. (I have been weeping loudly until my Dad came to comfort me) Then I was so happy because I was able to tell my Mom my intercession prayers and hug her today even though she would not admit that she was not completely healed inside. Forgive me Adonai, for carrying the burden on my own, I lift this burden back to You O GOD. It is not mine to carry forever, You are my GOD and easily You can solve anything suddenly.

Daily Prophetic Word
October 8, 2017
By MaryEllen Martyn

The Father says, Why do you toil and work where I did not send you? You ask Me why your path is not going anywhere fruitful, but I am not the One who sent you there. Be Still My Child and Listen, for I am bringing clarity in this hour. My burden is easy and light.

I will make known My plan for your life within your stillness. You cannot hear Me clearly when you are not calm and allowing My peace to fill your soul and spirit. I give you great treasure hidden in the stillness of Your Heart. Let Me pour out to you all that you need to know in this season.

Let Me speak to the part within you that is not trying to figure everything out with the logic of men. You are an overcomer. Hearken up your Praise and Thanksgiving to Me this Day for I have promised to meet you there. Bring your offerings to the storehouse, so that more blessings can be released into your life.

Don't hold back, as holding back keeps My Hand from fully coming to your aid. I have come that you will live life more abundantly. Release yourself from all that keeps you from that great joy. This world will bring troubles but that does not mean you have to be troubled about it all. Give Me those worries and concerns. I will give you Rest! Learn the power in Rest and the enemy will fall to your side!


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