10th Day of Atonement

10 Tishrei 5778
September 30, 2017
Day of Atonement
Fast day whole day

ODB: The Valley of Vision
Read: Jonah 2:1-10 The 3 days of Darkness
Bible in a Year: Isaiah 9–10;Ephesians 3
Isaiah 9:7 He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty
will accomplish this.
Isaiah 10  The Remnant of Israel
20 In that day the remnant of Israel, the survivors of Jacob, will no longer rely on him who struck them down but will truly rely on the Lord, the Holy One of Israel. 21 A remnant will return, a remnant of Jacob will return to the Mighty God. 22 Though your people be like the sand by the sea, Israel, only a remnant will return. Destruction has been decreed,
overwhelming and righteous. 23 The Lord, the Lord Almighty, will carry out the destruction decreed upon the whole land.

DRM: Memorial of Saint
Zechariah 2: 5-15 Sing and rejoice, O daughter Zion! See, I am coming to dwell among you, says the LORD. Many nations shall join themselves to the LORD on that day, and they shall be his people and he will dwell among you.
Psalm: Jeremiah 31:10-13 The LORD will guard us as a Shepherd guards his flock.
Alleluia:  2 TM 1:10 Our Savior Christ Jesus destroyed death and brought life to light through the Gospel.
Gospel: Luke 9:43-45

Chabbad: Parshat Vezot Hab'rachah
Deuteronomy 34:1-12 
7 Moses was one hundred and twenty years old when he died. His eye had not dimmed, nor had he lost his [natural] freshness.
Abba, let me live like Moses, where I never lose my freshness because of Your Presence ever surrounding me like a shield and favor and Love.
Tehillim: Psalm 55-59
Psalm 55: 22 Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you;He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.
Psalm 56:8 Record my misery; list my tears on your scroll—are they not in your record?
9 Then my enemies will turn back when I call for help. By this I will know that God is for me.
10 In God, whose word I praise, in the Lord, whose word I praise— 11 in God I trust and am not afraid. What can man do to me?
Psalm 57:7 My heart, O God, is steadfast, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music.
Psalm 58:9 Before your pots can feel the heat of the thorns—whether they be green or dry—the wicked will be swept away.10 The righteous will be glad when they are avenged,
when they dip their feet in the blood of the wicked. 1
1 Then people will say, “Surely the righteous still are rewarded; surely there is a God who judges the earth.”
Psalm 59: 16 But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for You are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. 17 You are my strength, I sing praise to you;
you, God, are my fortress, my God on whom I can rely.

Princess Diaries:

Dear Abba,
The few days that I am in my house, I have been relaxed surprisingly, I have not experienced the kind of troubles I had expected to experience like before. But Abba, I want to be ONE with You in all things. Please Abba, purify my heart and forgive all my sins, and the sins of those I come in contact with, wash us with Your blood, the blood of Yeshua Your Only SON our Saviour. Wash us, cleanses us O Lord, that we may be worthy to receive You, for You O Lord are our inheritance. 

Abba I thank You for bringing Uncle Henry and my cousin Bambi and Nikki to my home so that I can pray for them, how You have fulfilled another desire of my heart to reach out to them and now You really gave me the chance to set that day where Pastor Art and I can visit Uncle Henry so Pastor Art can minister to him. Abba, prepare his heart O GOD, prepare his mind, to know and receive the truth. Let the Truth - YESHUA set Uncle Henry and his family free, let the Truth - YESHUA prevail in their lives. O GOD! Thank You for the opportunity to have this kind of work for You, how my spirit revived when I saw Uncle Henry and his family Abba, You see how completely dependent I am on YOU. If You don't direct me to move, I don't move. I can never do anything on my own You know it. Now I have witnessed and seen for myself that I live for these things, Kingdom work and assignments. Abba, I hold on to YOU, please Abba, direct our steps as we tour Tel Aviv with my parents, I pray we will have the best time and that our bond will be so wonderful that we will understand and love each other the way You understand and love us. Abba, have mercy on us O Lord, thank You for loving us so much, Your beloved children. Abba I also pray for the baptism of all the employees to happen tomorrow Abba, I pray Lord, that all will be able to join this Water baptism Lord, because I really feel it has to be done as soon as possible, if it's not yet Your will Lord, then I will submit to Your will because I only want Your will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Abba, give us a good place for tomorrow O Lord. If it is Your will I pray that You will make everything happen tomorrow O Lord, at the place of Your choice! I think Busay is beautiful Lord, but what do You think? Lord, if it's Your will, then let me have their contact and let the payment be not too much O Lord, let everything happen supernaturally when I am a part of it Lord, because I want to see Your miracles happen, I want to see Your Spirit at work in all the days of my life! I want You to do everything for me! Put in me the Spirit to learn Hebrew O GOD, and learn it quickly and even the other languages for Your glory and honor O God! I want to learn more secrets of Your Kingdom O GOD! I want to operate in the Supernatural O GOD! Please help me and lead me. My body seems so tired and just relaxed on this Shabbat day and even yesterday, I already feel rested. But thank You Abba, for giving me the time to be with You without anyone, questioning me. Thank You!

Abba, You know, I wanted to help Achi Bambi and their family right away because their need seemed urgent... But I realized after trying to ask my parents to help them right away but their decision was to help them only on Monday, I realized that they were also just trying to fool me by trying to get the money now. But actually their need is not urgent. I feel bad because I didn't submit to the decision of my father right away, I should have submitted instead of pushing the issue. I didn't want to be guilty Abba because Your word says 
Matthew 5:42 Give to those who ask, and don’t turn away from those who want to borrow.
Proverbs 3:27 Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, When it is in your power to do it. 28 Do not say to your neighbor, "Go, and come back, And tomorrow I will give it," When you have it with you. 
Anyway Abba, Thank You for giving me parents that protect me and have wisdom and discernment more than me. I understand that You put me under them because they are my protection in my life being single. Adonai, I have this fear of getting married because there is no one I have seen who would love me for who I am. But LORD, as long as I don't see Your love in a man's eyes, I would not give myself to him or love him. Promise me Abba, that You would not allow me to love someone who did not love me first, like You did. Promise me that You would not give me to anyone less worthy. Lord, forgive me that I concerned myself with people today instead of being with You more. Abba, I want to see You near me, feel You with me once again. There is so much stress in this place. I know in my heart that I don't belong here anymore. But I will do the best I can to serve You wherever You put me Lord. But Lord, I want to believe in Your promise that You will give me away to the best man You have chosen for me this year. I am afraid of hoping and expecting, but I will hope and expect LORD for the reason that I believe in You, and so I allow my faith to hope in You and my heart to trust in Your unfailing Love because You never lie O GOD! And You will not fail me.

Thank you for answering my prayers today for the baptism to happen tomorrow Abba. Thank You because You have done it, and we have only obeyed You. I pray for Your people to attend this event, let it be an important mark in their lives and let Your Holy Spirit I pray flow freely and fill the hearts of Your people O GOD! Let this event be so phenomenal because I want Your glory to be seen and heard and felt by Your people! Abba, everywhere I go, I want You to be there in a very special way. I want Your presence with me to be extra special and sweet because that is how You are to me and I take You with me everywhere. I want people to feel You very very special when I am around, I want them to miss You when they feel You in me. I want them to seek You when they remember me and I want them to be drawn to You when they mention of me. This is the legacy I want to leave on earth. Abba, I want to have glory and honor but more than that, I want my peace and fulfillment in You. I cannot exchange it for anything else, not even for earthly security. Lord GOD I ask that You bless the baptism tomorrow, please be there in a most special way. Please Abba, I want people to witness and feel Your Presence and behold Your glory! Please Abba, show up in a beautiful and special way! 

In Yeshua I pray, Amen!

Daily Prophetic Word September 30, 2017

Prophet Mary Ellen

The Father says, “Mighty Rushing Winds surround you. I Am using your past to push you forward. Lessons learned will prove useful in the coming months. Forsake the notion that the past is repeating itself for this is not the case. What you went through is going to allow you to conquer the next with ease.

You are prepared and ready to go. I have not missed any part in equipping you, even if you feel ill-prepared. Trust the Process. As the Sun rises, you will move into greater. What you have seen thus far, by My Hand, is just a tiny percentage of the Joy that is to come. Expect the Unexpected with Thankfulness. What is taking place is surely a wonderful blessing in your days.

Write it Down! Many forget the miracles in their midst because they are short sighted, only looking at the current problems and not what I have resolved for them. Take a survey of what has been eliminated, and you will see even clearer all that I am doing in your NOW.

The next mountain is rarely any bigger in reality. Come up Higher! You will see the territory through the noise and chaos. I Am fighting your battles and you WILL hold the victory. If I cannot lose then you will walk through the valley better off than before. Mourning is only for a time and not a way of life. Choose to get up and press on!”


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