Erev Shabbat - 9th day of Awe

9 Tishrei 5778
September 29, 2017
Friday Erev Shabbat

ODB: Isaiah 60:9 The Lord will be your everlasting light, GOD will be your glory.
Isaiah 60:19-22
Your sun will never set again, and your moon will wane no more; the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your days of sorrow will end.

Bible in a Year: Isaiah 7–8; Ephesians 2
GOD reminds me here to not waver or doubt in my faith but to stand firm and in the following word HE gives below, HE reminds me of His Promise, like HE did yesterday.
Isaiah 7:9 If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.’” 10 Again the Lord spoke to Ahaz, 11 “Ask the Lord your God for a sign,whether in the deepest depths or in the highest heights.”
God reveals here that My husband is also an Isaiah, for Isaiah was married to one like him. 
Isaiah 8:3 Then I made love to the prophetess, and she conceived and gave birth to a son.And the Lord said to me, “Name him Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz
12 “Do not call conspiracy everything this people calls a conspiracy; do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it. 13 The Lord Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread. 14 He will be a holy place; for both Israel and Judah he will be a stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall. 

Ephesians 3 God reminds me again that I will be a citizen in His Holy Mountain of Zion
Jew and Gentile Reconciled Through Christ
18 For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.
19 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household,

DRM: The Lord has assured me of HIS Promise about my husband the way HE spoke to me regarding him as Nathanael confirming that Isaiah is Nathanael and that he will be seeing angels because he is a seer. I pray GOD opens the spiritual eyes of Navon right now and I plead the blood of Yeshua HaMashiach, the Only Son of the Father, on his life now!

Daniel 7:9-14 and Revelations 12:7-12
Talkings about the angels of GOD

Psalm 138 In the sight of Your angels I will sing Your Praises Lord
How angels will be singing and we will be singing along with them when my husband sees them on earth during our work for the LORD. How I wish to see them too.

Alleluia: Psalm 103 Bless the LORD, all you angels, you ministers, who do his will.

Gospel: John 1:47-51 GOD assures me of my husband Nathanael/Isaiah
Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him and said of him, "Here is a true child of Israel.
There is no duplicity in him." Nathanael said to him, "How do you know me?" Jesus answered and said to him, "Before Philip called you, I saw you under the fig tree." (studying the word of GOD)
Nathanael answered him, "Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel."
Jesus answered and said to him, "Do you believe because I told you that I saw you under the fig tree? You will see greater things than this." And he said to him, "Am
en, amen, I say to you, you will see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man."

CHABBAD: Parshat Vezot Hab'rachah
Deuteronomy 33: 27-29 
28 And Israel dwelled safely and alone as Jacob [blessed them], in a land of grain and wine; also, their heavens will drip dew.
Tehillim: Psalm 49-54

Princess Diaries:

Forgive me Abba for doubting sometimes about Your Promise, just because I don't see anything on the horizon yet, forgive me for my faith that is small and sometimes fading because of the circumstances, enable me Abba to stand firm in my faith. Please Abba, hold me and be my strength because I can never be strong on my own. 

Abba, I learned that you have been blessing our family business through rented houses and sales. Abba thank you for blessing us, I pray that YOU will speak continually to Dad and Mom to let me go and serve YOU, that they will offer me to YOU as the first fruits offering from among her children. Abba, I don't need all these accomplishments or recognition, just hide me Abba so that I will forever be consecrated. Hide me and let my work with my husband be hidden but let YOUR Glory shine through us LORD. And now I listen to Sadju Selveraj, and YOU confirm all these things YOU put in my heart that I don't need an organization or religious vocation to work for YOU. I'd rather be a nobody like Jael, a simple housewife who will do great exploits for YOU! Amen!!!

Because of this preaching by Sadju, I was reminded by GOD to pray for the family of Navon (refer to Chapter 2 of My Story of Me) for their complete salvation, that the LORD will reveal HIMSELF to them in a most special way and use them mightily in the last days just as HE will use my husband and I. 

Pa Art called me today and said he was so happy with me. I praise GOD for that report! It's like the LORD telling me HE is happy with me. I pray that I always make You happy Abba! Please let me live that kind of life that pleases You always everyday. Effecting the people around me positively and wonderfully! 

Abba, I'm still not confident with my Itinerary with Tel Aviv but I know I did my research and I will do more...but forgive me that I'm not able to do it today. It feels weird because today I have been eating a lot especially greens. I ate at 3pm my usual Salad at lunchtime. But it's okay because I fast tonight. But Abba, I want to hear from You. I want to enjoy this Erev Shabbat and I thank You because today I will enjoy our Bible Study once again with Pastor Art and our employees. Help me to adjust to what You want me to do right away. Adonai, I need a new Tablet because my old one is breaking down. I ask for the gift of learning other languages quickly especially Hebrew. I want to ask You to give me this tongue. I ask You for flexibility of my body so I can dance for You gracefully when the right time comes. I want to be the best that I can be Abba. I don't feel so productive today and there are even temptations trying to lure me to sin against You, I pray that You will protect me from wicked deeds Abba and help me to be pure and holy and perfect just as You are perfect! I want to be the best that I can be, all for You!!!

Prophetic Word

The Littlest Of Details
Neil Vermillion — September 29, 2017

As you continue to grow and continue to pursue goals in your life, be sure to also take a moment to observe little details along the way. In doing so you will find I am active and involved in the littlest of all these things, not only in the big and important tasks and goals. As you make space for little details you will increase in your sensitivity to my voice and to the move of my spirit. And as you devote yourself to nuance, and to subtlety, you will simultaneously prepare yourself to receive from me in this manner too (1).

So do not discount the small, the trivial, the seemingly insignificant, for all these things carry their own weight, their own contribution, their own impact. And many times they are far greater, far more influential than you would otherwise presume, for it is within the space between big moments, the little moments comprise your life. And in this time you will have the opportunity to share with me.

The goals, and the outcome you desire and pursue, is only one part of the reward. The journey, and your fellowship with me alongside the journey, carries its own reward too. You will find over the course of time that the relationship we share together is the greatest reward offered to you.

Knowing me is by far the greatest reward you will encounter, experience, and know – far greater than the trivial, and temporary goals you seek and pursue on a daily basis (2).

So while you are busy, taking care of your projects and your responsibilities, also take time to acknowledge and appreciate the littlest of details, for as you do you will also engage with me in profound and significant ways, and will do so easily and frequently too.

(1) Luke 12:7, Matthew 10:30, Matthew 7:3-5 (2) Genesis 15:1, 2 Corinthians 4:17-18


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